Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Rescuers 3

Summary: This section of Rescuers by Gay Block and Malka Drucker was about the Soviet Union/Ukraine. Polish Jews were scared because in order for the Soviet Union to protect itself, it made a  pact with Germany. The Soviet Union moved in to Poland and took over the eastern half of it. Many state they would do this again no matter the risk. Jean Berger was the one that stood out to me the most as she was known as a "cripple" by her family, mainly her father. A German shot her in the knee and a Jewish doctor saved her. Which her family then helped to protect him.

Commentary:I found this stories really interesting and unbelievable. Hearing all these stories makes me have faith in the world today. That people are good and naturally born like that. However, faith is one thing that could either make you extremely happy or it could end up breaking you. I think this is what the rescuers thought as well as the victims. I really enjoyed hearing these stories and I don't know what I would do or how I would react to all of this happening.

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